Tax Planning for New Business- New Entrepreneurs Must Watch

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Tax Planning for New Business- New Entrepreneurs Must Watch

Explore the series and unlock the secrets to effective tax planning.Learn how to navigate tax planning for your new business, including understanding the tax implications of website development fees and a detailed comparison of te for types of business structures.

1. Business Training Expenses

Business training expenses are generally tax deductible as long as they are directly related to the company's business operations. In this course, you will be learning about the tax deductibility of the business expenditure incurred pre-commencement and after the commencement of a business. It is important to understand the tax implications of such expenses so you can make informed decisions and optimise your tax deductions.

2. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

What kind of companies are considered SMEs? Do LLPs qualify? What tax benefits do they enjoy? This course goes through the latest criteria for determining SME status, plus case studies on the tax implications of the changes in the definition of SMEs.

3. Sole Prop / Partnership / LLP / Company

It's the question on every entrepreneur's mind when they first start a business - which type of business entity should I choose? This course goes through the characteristics and tax implications of doing business under these four types of business entities - Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and Company.

4. Cost of Developing Website

Don't miss out on this tax deduction for cost of developing an e-commerce enabled website! In this course, we show you the steps you need to take to enjoy a tax deduction for your website development costs.

5. Estimate of Tax Payable and Tax Installment Payments

Estimate of tax payable giving you a headache every year? Tax installment payments giving you nightmares every month?! Watch this course to find out how you can use your estimate of tax payable for cash flow planning!